A futuristic space station, named ‘Halfway Station,’ orbiting in the cold, dark expanse of space. The station features a large central hub from which multiple spokes extend outward, connecting to a massive outer ring. The outer ring serves as a warehouse for supplies and fuel storage, with heavily armored, insulated tanks spaced around it. Below the main docking bay are additional fuel storage units, with advanced containment and pressure release systems. The central hub is a complex network of modules and pathways, branching out like the spokes of a wheel, with docking bays and refueling ports situated strategically around the outer ring. The station is bathed in a cold blue light, highlighting its immense structure and the starry void beyond. The entire design reflects a blend of high-tech industrial aesthetics and functionality, with safety features integrated throughout. In the background, a large spacecraft is docked, being refueled by automated systems connected to the fuel storage tanks within the outer ring. The background is completely black. ar 9:16 style raw personalize my945nj stylize 750 v 6.1


A portrait of an African American woman with long braids, her face and hair artistically composed from various pieces of newspaper in vibrant colors. The background is a plain cream color, emphasizing the contrast between the warm hues on the skin and the cool tones in the paper texture. This double exposure technique adds depth to the subject while celebrating both traditional artistry and modern digital design. ar 97:128 style raw stylize 750 v 6.1