Prompt란 이미지 생성 작업에서 사용자가 원하는 

대상의 특징, 컨셉, 분위기 등을 설명하여 해당 이미지를 생성할 수 있도록 

도와주는 설명 또는 지시사항 입니다. 

사용자는 자신이 원하는 이미지를 더 구체적으로 설명하고 

요구 사항을 전달할 수 있습니다. 

각 AI 이미지 생성에 사용된 Prompt를 함께 살펴보겠습니다.


● 숲 속을 달리는 아름다운 유니콘 

Prompt : an unicorn running through mysterious forest, beautiful, magical, mythical, high resolution, high quality


● 은색으로 빛나는 수사슴

Prompt : Generate an image of a celestial stag with a body covered in soft, velvety fur that transitions from deep midnight blue to iridescent silver. Its antlers resemble tree branches adorned with delicate, luminescent flowers, emitting a soft, enchanting glow. Its large eyes are reminiscent of the night sky, filled with twinkling stars, and its tail is long and wavy, like a wisp of a cloud. This graceful creature walks on slender, yet strong legs, leaving behind a trail of soft mist and gentle, sparkling stardust with each step it takes. It is often spotted in moonlit glades, its presence bringing a sense of peace and calm to all who gaze upon it


● 무지갯빛 비늘을 가진 사나운 용

Prompt : Create an image of a fierce dragon with iridescent scales, large, bat-like wings, and a mane of ethereal flames 


● 눈표범의 몸과 사슴의 뿔을 가진 동물

Prompt : Imagine an animal that has the body of a snow leopard, the antlers of a deer, and the iridescence of a hummingbird's feathers 


● 신화 속 불사조

Prompt : Picture a mythical phoenix with golden-red plumage, flames dancing around its body, and a fiery aura that lights up the night sky 


● 그리핀의 몸, 유니콘의 갈기, 용의 비닐을 가진 동물

Prompt : Picture a fantasy creature with the body of a griffin, the mane of a unicorn, and the scales of a dragon. 


● 물 밑 숲 속에 사는 동물

Prompt : an imaginary animal living in a forest under water, beautiful, magical, mythical, mysterious, high quality, high resolution, clean and clear 


● 새벽녘 하늘을 보는 용

Prompt: a lord dragon looking at the sky at dawn, beautiful, magical, mythical, mysterious, high quality, high resolution, clean and clear