Prompt란 이미지 생성 작업에서 사용자가 원하는 이미지의 특징, 컨셉, 분위기 등을 설명하여 해당 이미지를 생성할 수 있도록 도와주는 설명 또는 지시사항입니다. 사용자는 자신이 원하는 이미지를 더 구체적으로 설명하고 요구 사항을 전달할 수 있습니다. 


각 AI 차량들의 생성에 사용된 Prompt를 함께 살펴보겠습니다



도시를 누비는 스마트 카


Prompt : make a collection of self-driving smart cars in a smart city. Please express it to blend in with highly connected roads and buildings, including smart and stylish cars operating in the cities of the future.



미래적인 자동차 디자인


Prompt : make a future car collection. Include self-driving cars with new technology and innovative designs, especially those with a flexible appearance. Please express the luxurious future feeling with colorful LED lights and metallic details.



경주용 스포츠카


Prompt : create a sports car collection for racing. You need to capture high speed and dynamism. Use sharp aerodynamic designs and vivid colors to express your glow on the racing track.

영화 속 스타일리시한 자동차


Prompt : create a stylish car collection in the movie. Please show us the unique vehicles that seem to have been designed by the director himself. Brave and cool car image of the main character of a dark action movie



고전적인 자동차


Prompt : create a classic car collection. Include a vintage and elegant atmosphere, including the iconic American cars of the 1950s and 1960s. Please emphasize the retro look in the black and white style.



미스터리한 레트로 카


Prompt : make a mysterious retro car collection. Include a mysterious atmosphere hidden in fog and smoke, including luxurious retro cars from the 1930s and 1940s. Please express a vintage and classical image.



강력한 머슬카


Prompt : make a collection of powerful and powerful muscle cars. Include a muscular look and sporty design, including a large engine and high-performance American muscle car. an image that symbolizes infinite power



환경 보호에 특화된 녹색 자동차


Prompt : create a green car collection developed for environmental protection. Take pictures of cars harmonizing with wildlife in real-world natural environments, including vehicles that use eco-friendly fuels or have hybrid systems. an image that matches the forest or natural scenery


AI 자동차편

이미지 출처 creativecircuit_(